My auto focus misfired causing the birds to be rendered out of focus.
It would be nice to bring them back into focus.
No, that's not a typo. It's just a new technology! The new Lytro camera let's you take the photograph without worrying about where you have focused. Once the image is downloaded to the computer you can then pick the part of the image you want in focus. Unbelievable, isn't it? This technology should be available to us very soon. Apparently it will be available at a consumer (not professional) price point.
If you thought software had changed everything, think again. This will makes it so much easier to capture the fleeting moment. Not to mention the boon it would be for macro photographers. On workshops, you won't believe how many people ask me where they should focus. To think that I might not get asked that question again simply blows my mind.
The purists will beat this technology down but with technology the choice is simple; embrace it now or embrace it later. One thing is for sure, this will get the Nikon's and the Canon's thinking.
To read more about this technology and the Lytro camera follow this link - http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/22/technology/22camera.html?_r=3&hp
Make sure you click on the flower image on the left (page 2), follow the instructions and watch the magic.
I would love to hear what you think of this new technology.
Upcoming Workshops and classes:
July 23 - Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens Field Session (Washington D.C.)
September 24 - Digital Nature Photography One-day Workshop (Chincoteague Island , VA )
October 6-9 - West Virginia Fall Workshop (Davis , WV )
October 22-23 - Autumn at Great Falls Workshop (VA/MD)
November 18-20 - Chincoteague Island Workshop (VA)
ReplyDeleteInteresting article. I wonder what the file sizes will be with all that extra data. Like you mentioned, it will free up a lot of headaches for us macro shooters, but will it also energize a lot of lazy photographers too?
Hey Greg,
ReplyDeleteWe will have to wait until the technology is in our hands before a lot of questions are answered. I've also been wondering about how this will affect the aperture we shoot at. Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to the question of how will this change photography/photographers.
I saw this today. Its pretty awesome. Would completely change the photography scene.
ReplyDeleteSuper image of the Birds Nikhil, I liked the randomness in it.
My pocket book will never keep up...
ReplyDeleteKaran: Thanks Karan! I wish the egrets were sharp.
ReplyDeleteStan: it seems the camera should be a reasonably priced. So it shouldn't be too bad. You can always sell your underwater gear ;)
I was thinking about the underwater uses for the camera!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut then there is the housing, blah blah blah.
It is intriguing none the less.